Friday, May 30, 2014

Food Trucks

Okay so everyone knows about the new hype of  Food Trucks. If you don't then climb out from underneath your rock and go find one. It's worth it. This past week we stopped at Waffle Love that we drove by by chance and said "heck, why not". Goodness is what we experienced.

Well anyways, I was on I N S T A G R A M today and saw that ART CITY DONUTS was going to be at the Food Truck Roundup in Provo tonight and thought.. "Date Night!" So Ryan and Sam (the only people that we ever socialize with) met us there and we tried some tasty food. 

Im pretty sure everyone and their cat dog was there. 

We literally only hang out with these two and I'm okay with that. I love that the two Ryan's get a long so well and that me and Sam can stay so close. 

We got Pizza. 
It was quite delicious.

Tested and Approved
I recommend the following food trucks.

but I mean who can go wrong with Pizza? 

CieJae Marie

Monday, May 26, 2014

Birth Control

The unspeakable subject of contraceptives. Great subject to start out the week right? we are doing mondays right. no pun intended.

DISCLAIMER! In no way do I support or will I EVER support teen sex. I am a strong believer that you should wait until you have found your one and only and you two are MARRIED. None of this playing house/ marriage is such a big commitment stuff. Im sorry but I had to make sure none of you "13 going on 30" know-it-all's get the wrong idea from this post.  

Okay so you've got your variety of planned parenthood to choose from, and to be fair everyone is different!

--> IUD
Im sorry but this just does not sound like my cup of tea.. Having a device shoved up my yoohoo, not okay. I know quite a few girls that would argue for it though, thinking it is the easy way. Their opinion not mine. Im also not a fan of the whole 5 year guarantee. What if we want a baby before then. People say oh well they can take it out. Oh heck no they aint touching that thing for at least those 5 years after they stick it up there.

--> The Pill
Doesn't that just sound comforting. I tried this years ago when I had to get put on it for my ovarian cysts. It did wonders and I haven't had to go to the ER since because of uncontrollable pain. I don't know if I have just become a forgetful space-ball but for some reason there is no way I ever remember to take them, so ya.. that don't work anymore. Pills are definitely the more safer way to go but it is also the more failed type of birth control. That 1% failure rate seems to have a pretty big window. Just remember to take it!

--> Nexplanon
Some of you may have heard of this but most girls who are getting married in the next year or younger probably haven't. I mean give them a break it has only been around since 2006. Now you may be thinking yeah, I ain't trusting this newby. THIS IS THE ONE I HAVE. Let me tell you I was scarred out of my little mind and I drug my poor fiance to the OB full of pregnant ladies (Yup I scored a good one). Anyways the need is huge and the numbing stuff hurts on a pain scale of 1-10 probably a 9. But it is a one and done kind of deal like the IUD. Except instead of sticking it up your yoohoo it more comfortable sits in your arm. No harm there. The rod is the size of a match stick and it goes in your least dominant arm under your bicep. They numb it first (it hurts I know, I've done it). and then comes the jumbo needle but guess what. I didn't feel that one AT ALL! I was more concentrated on squeezing my fiances finger off because I was scared but literally didn't feel a thing. Now I don't have to worry for another 3 years until they take it out and either one replace it our two we have a baby. They can take it out before hand if you choose but personally I think 3 years is a perfect amount of time.

--> Depo Shot
The depo is a shot like the Nexplanon except not nearly as big and no numbing stuff. You get it done every 3 months at the doctors office. Personally though if I have to get a shot in the first place it's only going to be one.

--> Codoms (Male Birth Control)
Ha yeah good luck getting your man to use them every time. If they ever come out with a male contraceptive like they do for women somebody please tell me because I will love you forever and I would pay big bucks for it!

Yes there are many other kinds of birth control but I figured I would just cover the basic types. The Yoohoo, Pill, Shot, and the never gonna happen in your dreams. In no way am I an expert but this is just based on my experiences.

P.S. This the next day after the Nexplanon Shot, it looks like a killer but it's all good now. 
No bruise ever hurt no one. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

One month to go

YAY! we can't wait!! one more month till we get married in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. Something I have looked forward to my whole life and I can't wait to do it with my best friend :) 

"Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, Love gives us a fairytale."

Date Night

We love date nights over here and what makes them the best date nights is spending them with our dear friends Sam and Ryan. Yes... his name is Ryan too haha. It is actually really funny. Sam and I have been roomates for 2 years, she is also one of my bridesmaids and she started dating Ryan a few months ago (met through tinder).. had to add that part in, it's my favorite and we soon came to find out that Ryan and Ryan are the same age, same name, and same field of study (Pre-Med)! Ryan and Ryan get a long really well and so do Sam and I so double dates are just grand with this cute couple!

I feel like a high school couple again going on double dates because we weren't "old enough" to go on single dates yet... haha well don't worry we are definitely old enough but we decided to spice things up a bit.

We went to Sammy's and then to Fat Cats to get some unlimited bowling in, although we only lasted 3 games we had a blast catching up after not seeing each other for a week.. oh dear haha.

We Love Bowling! Even though I suck at it... 

We had so much fun and I can't wait for more double dates ahead!

Monday, May 5, 2014


Seriously this past weekend was one of the best I've had in a while, we are go go going all the time, got so much done, and had so much fun! I wish I would have taken more pictures but I still got a few :)

Yup! we got bridals done on friday and the weather was supreme! I did the "first look" for Ry in my neighbors back yard and then headed up to the family farm to take the rest of the bridals and groomals. I was so nervous for Ry to see the dress because I thought for sure he would hate it. What was I thinking!? of course he would like it I mean I am marrying him after all.. Which he did, he LOVED it. He was so nervous to turn around and see me but at the same time so excited and I was too haha I started crying of course and so did he a tiny bit ;) regardless of what he tells you..

These are some pictures that my mom snuck in and we can't wait to see the photographers pictures! Laurie Bray took our pictures and she the best professional photographer out there. She has been photographing me since I was a newborn and a good family friend like her facebook page here!

The rest of the weekend was filled with 2 of my friends weddings, Wish I would have gotten pictures of them! dang it. Getting Ry moved into our cute little apartment, being crafty, my family bridal shower, and tackling invitations. Who knew planning a wedding your own to be exact, could be so hard!? But most definitely worth it!

Pic #1: Our cute old door to our house/apartment. Isn't it the cutest!? Our apartment is really old, tiny, and absolutely perfect for us. I am in love. I can't wait to move in! 

Pic #2: I literally stayed up till 4am on Saturday night making this banner for decoration for the wedding reception. I have got 4 more to make and hoping it doesn't take me as long this time.. why I can't seem to stay up late when Ry and I get do things together at night and I can stay up so late while he is working graveyards to "stay up with him" I do not know haha. 

Pic #3: Our invite preview! We can't wait to send them out once we finally get them done. We will probably start sending them out next week! yay!!

I can't wait to marry my best friends and love of my life. 