Before getting started let me remind you that there are two sides to every story. Mine just happens to be the true one :)

The first time me and this hunk met was in July 2012. I was working as a the Activities Director at an assisted living center and Ryan came in for an interview.

Ryan remembers meeting me briefly in the hallway during his first interview. Me not so much.

I remember a few days later walking in one of the buildings and getting told that there was a hot guy interviews just around the corner. my thoughts were what!? finally a hot guy :) I walked around the corner of the fireplace and sure enough there he was for his second interview. One of the managers introduced us and we had a little longer conversation this time. 

Ryan says seeing me made him decide to work there. Don't believe him.

We worked together and had fun together. We talked about everything! life, dating, family, friends, etc. He was so easy to talk to! Bonus!

Ryan says he tried to hang out with me or plan things that he could involve me in. It never worked.

Time went on and in December 2012 I ended up quitting and working at another assisted living center in another city. We still had a lot of mutual friends but we never got to see each other anymore, other then Facebook. I missed having a best friends to talk with. 

We dated other people and time went on until June 2013. I got into a new relationship according to Facebook and Ryan, who at the time was doing summer sales in Arizona noticed that I was not dating my previous boyfriend anymore. He messaged me on Facebook on a MONDAY and I told him what happened. 5 days later I messaged him again. I broke up with my 5 day boyfriend. 

Ryan claims he was so happy that day and sold pest control like crazy. Okay, I guess I believe him.

We text messaged and snap chatted all summer long. I even sent him cookies!! and during this time I was helping a mutual friend of ours get ready for her wedding. I asked him if he would be my date for it and he said he was going to ask me the same thing. Yay!

The day came that I would see him again for the first time in 9 months. Not going to lie I was so nervous because the last time I saw him, yeah I thought he was cute but we were just friends and now I had this long distance crush on him. We went hot tubing and watched a movie the day before the wedding and it was a lot of fun. Lets get sappy here for a moment, the first time he saw me he ran up to me and picked me up in his arms for a big hug and lets just say, it was really cute. The next day was Danielle's wedding and we went together. He cleans up quite well. Between the ceremony and the reception Ryan and I and two other friends went to Applebees to eat. Our old boss asked us jokingly but not if we were a thing. I tired to laugh it off.

Ryan says that was the moment he thought, yeah I could date CieJae. 
I think he had thought about it before then.

One night in August I thought he was going to try to kiss me while we were watching a movie and so when he went in for the classic "I'm going to tickle you so I can get closer to you and kiss you". I pushed him off the couch.

Ryan says he wasn't going to try to kiss me that night. That is definitely a lie.

A few weeks went by and we stopped talking. A couple months went by and in October 2013 I had a dream about Ryan out of no-where! I woke up thinking that was the strangest thing that has ever happened and I couldn't stop thinking about him all day and what he was up to. I decided after debating all day that I would text him but when I did he never responded. A couple weeks later I called to talk to one of the nurses for the home health company I worked for who happened to be the nurse at the assisted living center that Ryan worked for as well, which was also the place we both worked at earlier. She mentioned to be that Ryan thought I was cute and I was being an idiot for not talking to him. So the next day I texted him telling him that I talked to the nurse and how highly she thinks of him. Finally although not much, I got him to talk. 

Later that week I invited him to hang out with my roommates and I at a Halloween party. He came and we had fun. We saw each other every so often after that, we went on a few dates and then he kissed me on a MONDAY night, I freaked out of course and stopped talking to him.

Ryan was really mad at me and frustrated that I kept running away. I don't blame him.

That weekend Ryan and some of my roommates went to St. George and I missed him. He came home and we talked and started officially dating! Work started getting really hectic and I didn't think I would have time to be in a relationship, I was also scared so I broke up with him 5 days later. The next week we both went down to St. George to visit family for Thanksgiving. We met each others family briefly and hung out a lot. The day after Thanksgiving I told him I was ready for a relationship. We have been inseparable ever since.

Two months of laughing and loving each other later, on January 25, 2014 Ryan proposed and I said YES!! 

Four very long months later we sealed the deal in the Timpanogos Temple on June 12, 2014. We are loving the newlywed life and are very excited for some exciting upcoming adventures. 
We like the way things turned out. There is just something special about Mondays.

Our Happily Ever After Starts Here...

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