Friday, June 27, 2014


The reclusive people upstairs 
(that is what you call yourselves),

We really appreciate your abnormally cold hospitality toward us. We have felt oh so welcome ever since we moved in. Sadly, we cannot and will not move our precious cars from "your spot". You may ask yourselves why!? and I will simply reply because it is not nor will it ever be "your spot". You do not pay for it so in return you do not own it. If you have a problem with this reply talk to our mutual landlord and ask him why he told us that "your spot" is first come first serve. Familiar with that saying? If not.. I would get used to it if I were you. 

-Your confrontational neighbors downstairs. 

Oh so badly I want to go say that to their face, but I wont and will continue to park in "their spot". We were quite bugged at this note at 6:00 in the morning. I mean we didn't even park there till 11:00 last night. 

You know you have weird neighbors

1) When you park in the driveway they park right behind you and block you in so that you can't get out. Trying to prove a point eh?

2) When you come home from work and you pull in front of the house and you see them playing outside, the mother immediately grabs the baby and goes inside the house, and the father follows a few seconds later. Don't worry they locked the door too. Weird.

3) When you find them taking a few hundred pictures of their baby outside on the grass with a giant umbrella so that the baby will see zero sun. 

4) When you are packing up your car (that is in the driveway) to go on vacation the father goes out to get in his car that is parked on the street and waits in the middle of the street for 5 minutes holding up traffic so that he can take "their spot" when you leave. 

5) When you park in the driveway at 11:00 at night thinking well maybe they are gone on vacation and when you leave for work at 6:00 in the morning they have left you a not a not so accurate letter on your car.

If you have even had one of these situations with a neighbor. GET OUT! they are probably zubies and they are definitely weird.

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