Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hoppy Easter

Hope everyone had a lovely Easter! We definitely did, well... a good Easter weekend at least. We practically slept all day on Sunday. We did enjoy a lovely Saturday with my whole extended family though and had our annual jumbo Easter egg hunt! oh how I miss being little and running around with my cousins finding eggs. Although this year was a little different then it used to be we still enjoyed family and had us a good time.

Sadly I just realized we never decorated any eggs.. another year yet a fail. Maybe I should just forget the whole "we need to decorate eggs on Easter" and just do it like the week before. Probably still going to decorate them this year though, just a week late?

Here is a little recap on our lovely hunting.. 

My little cousin that I was practically glued to the whole afternoon.. 

C and P are the cutest I love them, best nieces ever....        
and of course we need a picture of us, I always forget my camera.. bad habit.

 Honestly I love my family so much even though it doesn't seem like we get along and I cannot wait for Ry and I to be a little family. Hoppy Easter to all and hope everyone got a little family time. 


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