Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hoppy Easter

Hope everyone had a lovely Easter! We definitely did, well... a good Easter weekend at least. We practically slept all day on Sunday. We did enjoy a lovely Saturday with my whole extended family though and had our annual jumbo Easter egg hunt! oh how I miss being little and running around with my cousins finding eggs. Although this year was a little different then it used to be we still enjoyed family and had us a good time.

Sadly I just realized we never decorated any eggs.. another year yet a fail. Maybe I should just forget the whole "we need to decorate eggs on Easter" and just do it like the week before. Probably still going to decorate them this year though, just a week late?

Here is a little recap on our lovely hunting.. 

My little cousin that I was practically glued to the whole afternoon.. 

C and P are the cutest I love them, best nieces ever....        
and of course we need a picture of us, I always forget my camera.. bad habit.

 Honestly I love my family so much even though it doesn't seem like we get along and I cannot wait for Ry and I to be a little family. Hoppy Easter to all and hope everyone got a little family time. 


Thursday, April 17, 2014

St. George

After a much needed break we are back to the routine of things including finals. YUCK. Only two more weeks and we are done!! So excited even though that means I'll be moving home before the wedding which also means that

1. I'll be driving 45minutes each way to work instead of 20.
2. I'll be further away from Ry instead of across the street.

Oh, well it also means that we are closer to the wedding!! #55moredays

To recap on our lovely trip.
Let me just tell you one thing.. Road trips are the best with lover boy :) Never a dull moment!


We got to stop in Brian Head to see his cabin and my old one! We sold ours years ago and it was so much fun to go see everything that has changed, our cabins were only 5 minutes apart, weird..

Its the cute one in back with the green roof.

We went to Dixie and talked to Advisors 

Went to my grandparents house for dinner

Hung out with friends and family


We went to my nieces soccer game in the morning after we slept in of course, so at least we caught the end of her game :) It was the last game of the season and she did awesome. 

Next we bough Ryan's handsome suit! and DANG does he look good haha

We went to lunch with Levi and Sarah, so good to finally meet them!

Then we did some homework, chilled at home, and took a nap.

Ended the night with True Rebel and pool hopping we had so much fun but of course something bad had to happen.

Ryan's phone and wallet. GONE. Talk about a downer. We looked everywhere and then cancelled everything. Poor Ry. 

We looked everywhere for Ryan's things and couldn't find them anywhere. I swear we retraced our steps a millions times and said a hundred prayers. Still nothing :( 

We went to Best Buy and got Ry a new phone which was only $1.00 and it is a newer version of mine! and how much was mine when I bought it?? yeah.. a heck of a lot more than that. 

We ended the day with flying kites with my nieces and spending a last few hours with our family's. We will miss them and can't wait to get back down to that warm weather in a month!!

I love how intense C looks flying her kites I mean obviously it is life or death right?? haha 

You have to admit though.. This cutie has some serious skills!! I would get the kite up an going for her and she would be perfectly flying her barbie kite all alone for 10 minutes. 

You Go Girl!