Friday, February 21, 2014


It seems like the only time we have time to do fun things is on the weekends when we don't have work or school even though most weekends are filling up on wedding planning. Last weekend Ryan and I went to St. George. We had so much fun and it was so nice to get away for the weekend. We saw family and friends and just bummed around. It was the good life. Take me back!!

On the way down we hiked Kanaraville Falls and it was beautiful! Minus the cold weather and cold water! Our feet were soaked from walking in the ankle deep snow runoff water, but it was worth it!!

Can't wait to spend the rest of my life with this man. 
It is always an adventure. 

110 days

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Woah... This is my very first post on this blog. Maybe it should call for a celebratory moment. Maybe I can convince Ryan to go get some ice cream tonight. Yeah, I 'll do that.


I am sorry way in advance that this blog may contain the most sappy, romantic, love sick content in the world for the next four months.. or year.. or two. Young Love.

Short and simple, with the theme of firsts and going along with the whole countdown of 125 days till we say "I DO"

The first time I knew I loved him and without a doubt wanted to marry him.

He's says he knew when "he couldn't seem to date anyone else" 

Thats cute.
